第七章 应许之地通往美国世纪的大门(第17/17页)

[21]Owen Wister, “The Evolution of the Cow-Puncher, ”Harper's Magazine, Vol. 91(September 1895) 602-17, quotations 603-604.

[22]Rockefeller quoted in Richard Hofstadter, Social Darwinism in American Thought, Revised Ed. (Boston: The Beacon Press, 1955) 45-46.

[23]Abraham Lincoln, “Annual Message to Congress, ”December 3, 1861, in Basler(ed), Collected Works ofAbraham Lincoln, V, 52.

[24]Simon Nelson Patten, The Theory of Social Forces (Philadelphia: The American Academy of Political and Social Science, 1896) 143.

[25]Strong, Our Country, 41, 48, 44.

[26]Henry Benjamin Whipple, Preface to Helen Hunt (Jackson)'s, A Century of Dishonor (New York: Harper and Brothers, 1881) vi.