









  He had called a number of people and told them to be at his house Monday night. There were a lot of cars, maybe more than for New Year’s parties; most were Tai Ji people that I recognized, but some I later learned were from his university and other associations. Most people expected some sort of announcement, but only a few knew it concerned a fiancée, let alone that there would be a wedding ceremony. I was half an hour late and the ceremony had begun when I arrived. To the sounds of recorded wedding music, they walked into the living room with a minister between them, a man I did not know but was reputed to be a relative of one of his friends. Everyone gathered around, of course, many in complete surprise. It was a fairly conventional Christian service, complete with prayers led by the minister.


  I was reluctant to go at first because I was afraid that I could not be completely joyous for them, knowing what I know about him and you, but I did OK. I would have expected parents of the bride and groom and other family members to be there, there will likely be a ceremony in China also. One of the strange things is that his bride is much taller and heavier than he is, maybe making two of him, but not really overweight, just big. The contrast was too large to ignore because I was one of the few people there that was taller than her. She seemed polite and friendly but still reserved, not saying a great deal. She is reasonably attractive, though certainly not to your degree. At first I wondered if she spoke English but I heard her speak very well, so she was probably just overwhelmed with so many new people.


  As Americans traditionally insist at any wedding, they kept wanting the couple to embrace, but that was clearly awkward for them, although I think she would have complied if Binsley was more relaxed with it. With time everyone will probably get to know her, but for now she is a polite stranger. I was favorably impressed that they did not let their size difference get in their way.