

the Five Confucian Relationships 五常

personal relationships 人际关系;伦常

the Confucianist 儒家

the Legalist 法家

the examination system 科举制度

the“Eight-Legged Essay” 八股文

the scholar-gentry class 士大夫阶层

Pure Flowing Party 清流党

the Imperial Commissioner 钦差大臣

governor-general 总督

governor 巡抚

censor 御史

provincial treasure 布政使

provincial judge 按察使

provincial commander-in-chief 提督

Hanlin Academy 翰林院

Board of Admiralty 海军衙门

China Merchants Steam Navigation Company 轮船招商局

King-nan Arsenal 江南制造局

the Chinese Educational Mission 中国教育使团(指幼童留美)

Taiping Rebellion 太平天国

Nien Rebellion 捻军起义

Moslem Rebellion 回民起义

the Eight Banners 八旗

the Green Standard 绿营

the Ever-Victorious Army 常胜军

Port Hamilton 巨文港(朝鲜南部岛屿)

Port Arthur 旅顺港